Wednesday 25 March 2015

String Art (Art Installation)

The heart tells us that it is the main system which control all parts of our emotion inside and outside based on the emotion definition. this artwork depict that every single human is connected to the heart no matter what happened. the love, sadness, happiness all the way came from the red thing which is heart. however, if one of the string being cut the pain that a person will feel is totally paint. the white string consider as a support for the heart to always tough enough in order to feel all the emotion that the heart created by itself.


By using the acrylic directly from the bottle I can make sure that the texture of acrylic will maintain. My first attempt using combination of basic colour and mixture of black and white and also various number of colours. To create the texture, I used stick to stretch the colour to create the texture. by using this method I can create the design of the not fully mixture of the colour. I tend to combine various kind of colours to create the various kind of design based on the texture on that created on the canvas. The emotion that be created in the human it is hard to move out from the actual place.

This is study about the combination of the acrylic and the oil paint. I wanted to study the motion and lines using the oil paints to show the movement on the canvas.

My artwork is illustrated in a tree form. However, it is actually represent human in a society. I intend to use two separate canvases in order to depict a division of society. It is true that human can affect other human. I view the twigs that spread out from the first canvas represent the emotion that flows from the trees. Means that, the twigs that flows in the second canvas symbolize the emotion that spread into the society. There always be another party which will be affected by the humans in the first canvas. Each of my painting has its own sentimental value based on my real life situation where I’m quite an emotional person. When I’m not in a good mood people will notice me. Thus, they will also be affected just as how I would influence others when I’m happy . 

Mixed Media

The love letter. Basically during 60’s to 90’s letter was one of the most crucial medium of communication in a long distance relationship.. For my artwork I focus on the subject of love. I have done a research where at that moment there was no internet as one of the medium communication. They can only write a letter and post it. Even though, it took a long period of time to receive the letter but it is worth it. They can keep reading those letter. Compare to today’s medium where there are Facebook, twitter and etc. There is no aesthetic value in it and social network can never convey feelings such as those when writing a letter to person that you love. Basically, the heart shape represent the love between a couple; the soul and the emotion and feelings. However, the wrecked part on the heart does not meant to show that the heart is broken. I intend to cut the heart to show the steel wire as a symbol of firmness of a lover . The steel wire that become the base of the heart depict the heart is not empty. Thus, this artwork silently yet powerfully portrays the strength and the sincerity of the love between the couple even though they live in far away distance. 


This is a sketch of the most popular tourist attraction in Malaysia where is in Melaka. This building is created by the army and it stand still untill today. I found that this building have the precious value regarding to it's heritage value.
This is a sketches on a city when I used to walk to see and study the uniqueness structural building in the city. This is a drawing of my hometown which is Sungai Petani, Kedah Malaysia.
shophouse is the place for a society in Malaysia do their business. I found out that this street has it's own unique of the architectural value where the shophouse itself brings a lot of impact on design and the aesthetic value of the street.

I tend to draw a personal space as I feel the connection between the sketches and my personal interest. In terms of practicallity and style, the furnitures are suitable enough in such a space. The architectural form of both drawing describe tranquility and peace. The bedroom and living room

Studying In Manchester School Of Architecture

Studying in Manchester School of Architecture has been my dream since I was fifteen. Its reputation as one of the University in the Russel Group excites me want to go there even more. The facilities that have been provided there were completely help the students in making a better project specifically for architecture students. The achievement gained by the Manchester School of Architecture prove the quality and the excellent of the international academic performance plus the award received by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

My favourite architect is Hijjas Kasturi. I found out about him when I researched about the city of Putrajaya in 2012. I discovered that the renowned architect designed the plan of the city, and a sudden interest in Hijjas Kasturi sparked in me. As I delved deeper in my research of the man, I found out that he was a well-known figure in the local architecture scene. He designed many buildings that are known for their unique designs, such as the Putrajaya Convention Centre; the building I was most familiar with is the Maybank Tower, whose design was based on a bamboo shoot.

One of the recent exhibitions I attended was the MATRADE Arts Expo held at the MATRADE Exhibiton & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur. The exhibition showcased a multitude of works from all corners of the world, a majority of which coming from some of China’s finest talents. It really opened my eyes as to how culture affects one’s perception of art, as well as how different people perceive art.

A work of architecture that I would like to visit is a kind of castle found in the UK, preferably Dover Castle. Historical buildings are interesting to me, as they provide hints of history and culture. The structures of royal residence in Malaysia and England are very contrasting. I find it fascinating that British castles are commonly built to optimise defense from, and attacks against enemies; for example, the narrow windows of castles are built as such so that enemy archers will not be able to shoot inside the castle. 

I believe if given the opportunity to learn at this prestigious place, i will undoubtedly use my skills and hone it for the good of mankind itself. There is no other thing i enjoy than to bring happiness in the creations that i have sketched and built. All of this is possible in Manchester’s School of Architecture and i promise that great things are in store for the future if i am given a seat here. I am looking forward into carving my name in this institution.